Protecting Saudi Arabia's Precious Natural Resources

Global Planet Alliance - Uniting Communities to Protect Our Planet

The Global Planet Alliance is taking dedicated action to protect Saudi Arabia’s vital natural habitats and endangered species. Through widespread tree planting initiatives, wildlife conservation efforts, and campaigns to preserve vulnerable endemic species, we are bringing together passionate communities across the Kingdom to drive impactful change.

Uniting Communities to Conserve Saudi Arabia's Natural Heritage

Join our movement today to plant trees, safeguard wildlife, and secure a sustainable future for all. Together, through fact-based science and transparent action, we can build a greener Kingdom. Through persistent grassroots action, we empower ordinary Saudi citizens to become extraordinary environmental stewards. Step by step and tree by tree, our growing volunteer base drives tangible change today to secure our common future.

The Story Behind Global Planet Alliance

The Global Planet Alliance (GPA) is a grassroots environmental non-profit organization founded in Saudi Arabia in 1995. We are deeply concerned about the growing threats to our planet’s natural habitats and endangered wildlife. From deforestation and development encroaching on green spaces to poaching and illegal wildlife trade, precious ecosystems across Saudi Arabia face immense pressures.

In response, GPA was formed by a group of passionate conservationists and environmental educators seeking positive change. We aim to unite Saudi communities to protect our shared natural heritage through impactful campaigns and sustainable grassroots action.

We are proud partners of Saudi Green Initiative, working hand-in-hand with communities across the Kingdom to plant native trees and revive depleted green spaces.

Our Impact by the Numbers

Over the past 30 years, the Global Planet Alliance has driven measurable grassroots impact through our community-based conservation efforts across Saudi Arabia. We will continue growing these metrics through expanding volunteer programs, awareness campaigns, reforestation drives and more. But numbers only tell part of our story. The real impact is seen in engaged communities stepping up as environmental stewards – that is what builds lasting change. Get involved today to be part of this story of positive transformation across Saudi Arabia!

10 Million Trees Planted

Over 10 Million native trees planted through partnerships with the Saudi Green Initiative and local schools. Helping to combat desertification.

Wildlife Species Conserved

Expanded habitats secured for endangered Arabian Leopards, Houbara Bustards and sea turtles along Saudi coastlines.

3000 Students Engaged

Environmental curriculum delivered to 3,000 students across Saudi Arabia to build sustainability literacy.

Driving Real Change Through Facts and Local Action

Since 1995, the Global Planet Alliance has made a significant grassroots impact across Saudi Arabia through our community-based conservation efforts. We have planted over 10 Million native trees in partnership with the Saudi Green Initiative, helping to revive depleted forests and mangroves. Our advocacy campaigns have also led to expanded protection for endangered Arabian Leopards and other at-risk native wildlife.

Global Planet Alliance volunteers regularly mobilize to clean up litter from fragile desert ecosystems and have launched recycling drives in 5 major cities to reduce plastic pollution. We further spread awareness through our environmental curriculum taught across district schools, educating over 3,000 students on sustainabile best practices. Science informs all our efforts while respect for local contexts guides our solutions.

Reforest Saudi Arabia by planting  50 million native trees by 2030 to combat desertification and provide wildlife habitats.

Drive a nationwide recycling revolution to achieve 50% waste diversion in major cities and eliminate plastic pollution along Red Sea coastlines.

Expand protected areas for endangered native species, with a focus on securing last refuges for Arabian Leopards and breeding grounds for migratory birds.

Equip over 100,000 students from all backgrounds with environmental literacy through our award-winning sustainability curriculum and field training programs.

Our Goals for a Sustainable Saudi Arabia

The Global Planet Alliance has set ambitious conservation targets guided by environmental science and input from local communities across the Kingdom. Through collaborative action centered on education, community empowerment and nature-based solutions, we believe these goals set Saudi Arabia on the path towards a flourishing, equitable and climate-resilient future. We aim to deliver significant grassroots impact through our four key strategic goals:

Join Us in Greener Initiative

We also welcome volunteers from all backgrounds. If you are passionate about conservation and want to contribute through campaigns, events, or educational initiatives, sign up on our website or send an email. Let’s build an equitable and sustainable future together!

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